Friday, June 5, 2009

Animal Week on Tammy Planet

This has been quite a week for animals in distress.

First, Monday morning I was out for my morning walk and spied a turtle trying to cross the road. He was stuck in the middle of one lane while traffic tried to dodge him while trying to also dodge me.

I was sure he was going to splattered at any moment. When I was able to get close enough, I darted out into the road (no traffic nearby!) and grabbed him, then moved him the three feet he needed to go to the side of the road. I hope he didn't try to venture across the road again.

That evening as I was walking in front the driveway, I heard a kitten crying. I grabbed a flashlight then headed in the direction I heard the noise. Eventually I found myself in the neighbor's yard where a tiny, black and white kitten sat crying forlornly. As soon as he saw me and heard me talking to him he stopped crying and sat waiting for me to get to him.

I knew my neighbor didn't have any cats or dogs so I picked up the little guy. He was pitiful: One eye was matted shut and he was nothing but a tiny bag of bones covered by some furry skin.

I took him in and we cleaned him up and tried to get him to eat. We fixed him a box with a warm blanket lining it. The next day I bought some kitten replacement milk for him and we tried to get him to eat that. I had seen this illness before in a kitten and knew what the outcome was going to be - but I wanted to try.

We called him Moses - because I had found him. Unfortunately, Moses didn't make it - on Friday morning we found that he'd died in the night. He was with us such a short time but he quickly made a spot in our hearts. We thought that Thursday he was getting better and seemed to be trying to eat. He was even following us around the yard when we'd take him out to play.

The animal rescues continued with a baby guinea keet that fell into my mom's garden pond and almost drowned. She fished it out, and cleaned it up but the mother wouldn't let her get near to put the little guy back. I started thinking about her cat (who is actually my cat) snacking on the little guy (popcorn chicken snack!) - so I told her to bring him to me and I'd try to nurse him back to health.

I'm passing him off to someone else today (woohoo!).

I need to work on having a cold, black heart of stone instead of the gooey, mushy soft one I have.


Deborah Aldridge said...

How sad that the little kitty didn't make it. What disease was that that you knew he had? Mothers will abandon sick kittens. We got one of ours at barely three weeks. He was so eaten up with fleas that his tongue was white. I literally covered him with 5% sevin dust, and fed him soy milk, which was all I had at the time. The vet said that was o.k., as long as it wasn't cow milk. He grew to be a huge, sweet cat, who was tragically killed by the poisoned cat food when a neighbor was feeding him "treats" of Iams at her house. She felt awful, but it wasn't her fault. I still miss him, and I swear he jumps on my bed at night.

Theresa Leschmann said...

No cold, black hearts. We need more soft, warm, mushy hearts in the world.