Monday, June 8, 2009

I hate feeling yucky!

That's exactly how I feel today, though. Yucky. Miserable. Tired. Ready to go back to bed.

I'm supposed to be writing today - I have lots to get done, but I just can't think very well and I feel like a giant slug. Here's a poem I wrote to describe how I feel.

Why, oh why
do you betray me
flesh and bone and gray matter?

You cage and enrage
the real me
keeping me at your mercy
and beck and call

You scream at me
to sleep
to nap -
I must obey

I will pout -
incapable of ignoring
couch lure
while the keyboard
calls longingly
begging for my stroke

Oh to have such masters!
My body betrays me
the spinning wheel prick
- no guilt
sweet dreams
while the keyboard sobs
and plots revenge


Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better really soon! The first few lines of your poem describe how I feel on most *sigh*

Deborah Aldridge said...

Very cool poem.