Thursday, July 16, 2009

Butterflies, bees and birds - oh my!

Every summer I look forward to my butterfly garden and the birds, bees, and butterflies that come to visit. This year's May 8 storm did some damage to my butterfly garden, and to be honest - with the heat, I haven't had as much motivation to get out and do much work in it.

Thankfully, nature takes over and my butterfly garden is doing well despite my lack of care. It is sprinkled with bright colors - orange from Butterfly Weeds and Daylilies, yellow from Yarrow, Daylilies and Blackeyed Susan, red from Bee Balm, and my rosebushes, purple from Catmint and Salvia.

Apparently the critters don't mind that I haven't been as vigilant with the weeds or as motivated with cleaning up and caring for my garden as in years past. In truth, the heat and rain that have been a constant part of the summer thus far have sapped my motivation. It doesn't seem to matter though - I just stepped out into my garden this morning and found a few Monarch caterpillars (they're going into the butterfly habitat today!), and was greeted by a Monarch butterfly and a hummingbird. Two Carolina Wrens have built a nest in one of the birdhouses I built last summer and several frogs have set up housekeeping in my little garden pond (which alas, desperately needs some work done on it).

While I haven't seen as many butterflies and birds and other critters as I have in the past couple of years, they are still there - enjoying the butterfly garden. Standing out there this morning reminded me why I enjoy my butterfly garden so much - because of the peace it brings me. When I'm feeling stressed or sad or just in need of a quiet moment to refocus myself, my butterfly garden is the perfect spot - and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I do need to do some weeding though!

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